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Things To Watch Out On the Road While Towing

There are many things a tow tech must watch out for while towing a car, a loaded tow truck is hard to maneuver and it is essential to notice obstacles well in advance. In this blog post we’ll tell you a little about what our professional techs automatically watch for all along the towing operation and especially when o route.

Loading Up

Even just on arrival (to wherever they need to tow a vehicle from) an expert tow tech will take note of things other drivers do not pay much attention to. They will assess how much of an obstacle the vehicle to be towed is already posing and what impact to passing by traffic will the loading up part of the towing operation will have. They will notice the terrain on which the vehicle to be towed is parked, is it paved or is it just dirt, is it muddy or in any other way slippery, is it level or sloping, how close is the vehicle to be towed parked to passing by traffic etc.

What Traffic Is Like

In order to ensure getting the towed vehicle to its designated destination quickly and safely, typical governing traffic conditions should be taken into account when planning the route to be taken. A loaded tow truck should be driven calmly and at relatively low speeds. Once on route any changes in the way traffic is flowing should be spotted as early as possible, if traffic is slowing down, if it’s coming to halt etc.

Anything On the Road Or At the Side Of the Road

Obstacles on the road may cause cars in the tow truck’s vicinity to break or swerve unexpectedly. Since sudden maneuvers should be avoided when driving a loaded tow truck, tow techs must not fail to notice anything on the road, something that has fallen off a vehicle, a pothole or anything else. Things on the side of the road may also cause vehicles passing them to swerve or slow down.

At Capital Towing Ottawa we employ only top of the field tow techs. Our techs never fail to notice anything that has any bearing on the towing operation they are in charge off. We will always get your car (or any other type of vehicle) safely to where you need it transported to. We are always available (24/7, all year round), are super professional, will be at your side in 30 min or less (wherever in or around Toronto you may be) and offer highly competitive rates.